Myriad Neuroscience’s GeneSight® test kit on Behance

Genesight Test Cpt Code

Myriad Neuroscience’s GeneSight® test kit on Behance

There is no specific cpt code for this service and an unlisted cpt code should be used (see coding section for details). Genesight assay for refractory depression (l35437). All unlisted genetic testing cpt codes require prior authorization. The identification of the proper recommended billing code is established as part of the. Pharmacogenomics testing is laboratory testing which has the potential to determine how an individual’s genetic factors may affect the safety and effectiveness of that individual’s response.

Jan 23, 2015 · effective for services performed on or after 10/24/2014, coverage requirements for this test are addressed in cgs's local coverage determination (lcd) for mopath: 81479 and gene test cacna1s. Pharmacogenomics testing is laboratory testing which has the potential to determine how an individual’s genetic factors may affect the safety and effectiveness of that individual’s response.

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