GitHub - voidel/playstation-discord-status: Displays your current

Playstation Status

GitHub - voidel/playstation-discord-status: Displays your current

 Currently, the full PlayStation Stars experience – including your personalized campaigns, reward catalog, and status level – is viewable exclusively through PlayStation App. Q: Can I participate in PlayStation Stars if I only have a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita?  To do this, navigate to your Discord settings, then to Connections. There should be an option to "Display Playstation Network as your status". You will obviously want this ticked. But, and here's the big but(t): You are going to need to change a setting on your PS Device before it will show up as your status. This is where my issue was.  Signing in on computer and changing status Signing out of PS App Changing status on PS App Having a friend sign into my account and changing status on their PS Changing DNS servers multiple times to multiple values (google dns etc..) Contacting ISP, claim it’s not a problem on their end Switching from ethernet to wifi and back  Ok, so apperently your psn status doesn't show if there is already another connection in your status, i don't know why this is, but after i turned spotify off it was suddenly there, and i don't just mean when you see your account on the side but when you press activities it doesn't show either, Steam and Xbox don't have this problem.  Go to the Users and Accounts section in the settings menu. From there, go to the privacy tab and select view and customize your privacy settings. Then, under 'your activity" set the "who can see your online status and what you're currently playing" setting to anyone. This will allow Discord to display your status.

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