Content Model - UVa Knowledge Base - Confluence

Uva Knowledgelink

Content Model - UVa Knowledge Base - Confluence

Log in using your computing id, e. g. Mst3k (do not use your full email address). Access the uva health knowledgelink portal for internal resources, clinical information, and employee directory. Your password is the same password you use for netbadge, collab and email. For help with uva health logins,.

Access the uva health knowledgelink portal for internal resources, clinical information, and employee directory. Log in using your computing id, e. g. Mst3k (do not use your full email address). For example, if your computing id is uva1mc and the last four digits of your uid are 1234, your temporary. Log in to the identity & access management portal (you will be required to log in with your digital certificate or current password).

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