Planet Closest To Moon Tonight 2025 Closest - Tasha Fredelia

What Planet Is Above The Moon Tonight

Planet Closest To Moon Tonight 2025 Closest - Tasha Fredelia

 2025 Planet parade continues: How and when to see the planets align in the night sky  Read on to find out what's up in the night sky tonight (planets visible now, moon phases, observing highlights this month) plus other resources (skywatching terms, night sky observing tips...  Venus, more than 200 times brighter than Saturn, watches from above. (Saturn is magnitude +1.1, Venus is –4.8.) Like it did last month, the waxing crescent Moon lines up with Saturn and Venus on consecutive evenings. But this time both of the Moon-planet separations are closer, and Saturn comes first.  A Month of Bright Planets Venus blazes at its brightest for the year after sunset, then Mars and Jupiter to rule the night amid the menagerie of bright winter stars. Skywatching Highlights All Month – Planet Visibility: Mercury: Pops up just above the horizon in late February, looking relatively bright as sunset fades Venus: Looking brilliant in the west after sunset all.

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